News (Secondary)
Archived News
Thursday 18 May 2023 SuDs (Sustainable Drainage System) slow-drain planters
Tuesday 16 May 2023 Coronation Junior Prom at Osborne House
Friday 31 March 2023 Cyber First Workshop
Friday 31 March 2023 Message from the School Pastors Wishing all of our school community an enjoyable and restful Easter break.Here is a message from our School Pastors.
Tuesday 28 March 2023 Year 11 Brown Envelope Day
Monday 27 March 2023 Red House Community and Futures Day Red House Community Day/Futures Day took place on Friday 24th March.
Wednesday 22 March 2023 U19 Girls Football Congratulations to the U19 girls who were crowned 6-a-side football league champions last week.
Monday 20 March 2023 Red House Community Day (Secondary) Red House Community Day is taking placce on Friday 24th March.
Thursday 16 March 2023 PSHE Programme and Parental Consultation regarding RSE (Secondary). At the Bay CE School, we are committed to helping all our students grow up healthy, happy and safe, and to be able to navigate life in modern Britain. This underpins so much of what we do in school, as in embedded within our PSHE and Pastoral programme, as well as our House system and opportunities.
Thursday 16 March 2023 Careers Week Students from Years 7-11 had an opportunity to listen to a variety of career talks this week, linking their current learning to their future’s preparation. The event was designed to inform, enthuse and cultivate curiosity in our students. Face to face interactions with real working people gives our young people the chance to ask questions and learn more about the opportunities available to them.
Tuesday 14 March 2023 Strike action (Secondary site) 15th and 16th March A reminder that due to strike action the Secondary Site will be closed tomorrow Wednesday 15 March and Thursday 16 March to all students with the exception of Year 11 students (on Wednesday only) students with an EHCP and specified vulnerable students.
Tuesday 21 February 2023 Free Bikeability Course We hope you agree that there has never been a more important time to ensure every child has the confidence and knowledge to enjoy cycling safely. The Bikeability programme not only aims to develop cycle handling in an off-road environment, but also prepare riders for cycling on the road and their journey to school.
Thursday 9 February 2023 Bay Students Show Courage, Resilience and Initiative by taking part in Leadership training!
Thursday 9 February 2023 Year 11 Leaver Hoodies
Tuesday 7 February 2023 Academic Tutoring Day - Thursday 9th February (Secondary) A reminder that it is Academic Tutoring Day on Thursday 9th February.
Thursday 2 February 2023 Matilda JR cast list announced Today we published our cast list for Matilda Jr. There were so many incredibly talented students to chose from that it made our job extremely hard. We wish we could give everyone a part! Naturally, we appreciate that some students may be uspet if they did not get the part they wanted, however, it was lovely to see how supportive they were of each other and how excited they are for the show!
Tuesday 31 January 2023 Student Work (Secondary) - Strike Day, 1st February
Friday 20 January 2023 School Closure (Secondary Site only) We have received the following information. SSEN are working to fix the power problem however this will be at least 2 hours from now, with a further hour to reboot everything IT wise. Therefore we have made the decision due to the canteen/ food and safety of all of our staff and students to close the school. HOWEVER the following MUST be followed for safeguarding reasons:
Friday 20 January 2023 Power outage on Secondary site Power is down in the PO36 Postcode. The secondary site currently has no power.
Thursday 19 January 2023 Child Development University Trip Students who study Child Development visited Southampton University, Hospital Wing this week. They looked at how healthy lifestyles affect children pre conception and early years up to adulthood.
Tuesday 17 January 2023 Careers Week 6-10th March
Tuesday 17 January 2023 Summer work opportunity
Tuesday 17 January 2023 Matilda Audition Workshops
Friday 13 January 2023 Academic Tutoring Day - Thursday 9th February Following the extremely positive feedback from the previous Academic Tutoring Day, our second and final one of this academic year will be held on Thursday 9th February. This day complements the Parents’ Evening(s) and gives you the opportunity to speak with your child’s tutor about their overall progress, review their targets and raise any queries you may have. This day has been brought forward from the previously published date (25th May 2023) to allow our Year 11 students to receive exam preparation advice from Positively You which is a renowned education company.
Friday 6 January 2023 Green House Community and Futures Day Green House Community and Futures Day is taking place on Wednesday 11th January 2023.
Thursday 5 January 2023 British Values Poster Competition
Thursday 5 January 2023 Year 11 Interventions Spring Term 2023 Please see below the list of Year 11 Interventions for Spring Term 2023. Students have received an email detailing which sessions they should attend.
Thursday 15 December 2022 House Rewards Assemblies
Thursday 8 December 2022 Ex-student returns to inspire students
Friday 2 December 2022 Go 4 Schools Go 4 School is computer package that supports communication and engagement with students and parents (Secondary site).
Friday 2 December 2022 Christmas Card Competition
Friday 25 November 2022 Anti-Bullying Forum Theatre Performance
Friday 18 November 2022 Anti-Bullying Week - Odd Sock Day
Friday 18 November 2022 Biodiversity Film Debut
Friday 11 November 2022 Remembrance
Thursday 10 November 2022 Blue house Community Day Blue House Community Day and Futures Day took place on Friday 4th November.
Tuesday 8 November 2022 Pixl Edge Celebration The Bay CE Secondary were delighted to welcome parents, family and friends to support 130 students in years 8-10 who have been successful in gaining their Pixl Edge Apprentice Award.
Thursday 20 October 2022 Equality and Rights Advocates Congratulations to our six Year 9 students who have completed their training and have become Equality and Rights Advocates. Thea B, Francesca C, Betty G, Aydin G, Evan H and Matthew M completed training from Hampshire Local Authority and will be supported through regular meetings to develop a program in school promoting Human Rights and Social Justice.
Thursday 20 October 2022 Mountbatten praise Bay students for fundraising efforts "The amazing pupils at The Bay CE Secondary School have raised an incredible £5216 for Mountbatten.
Thursday 13 October 2022 Blue House Community Day - Friday 21st October
Friday 30 September 2022 Academic Mentoring Day - Monday 17th October We would like to bring to your attention Monday 17th October. This will be one of two Academic Tutoring Days this academic year, the second one will be held on Thursday 25th May 2023. For these days you will be able to make an appointment of 10 minutes to meet in person with your child’s tutor. This will be a face to face meeting where your child is expected to attend with you in full school uniform. You will be able to look in the first one at your child’s Attitude to Learning grades and raise any queries you may have. We will be sticking to the allotted times so if you have any queries that may last longer than your time please make either a separate time to contact your child’s tutor or please do send an email that we can follow up. The remainder of this day will be remote learning for your child and all work will be set through Google Classroom. Many parents have said they really like the Parents’ Evenings being online, but we also would like the opportunity
Tuesday 13 September 2022 Year 11 Parent Meeting - Thursday 15th September Welcome back to school after what we hope was a lovely and restful summerholiday. Ms Jones and I are very pleased to report that our Year 11 Students have started the year very positively and been receptive to guidance and support on offer.
Friday 9 September 2022 Letter to Parents (Secondary) - passing of Queen Elizabeth II Letter to parents - passing of Queen Elizabeth II - 09.09.2022
Thursday 18 August 2022 Inspire Magazine - July 2022 Click here to view the Summer 2022 Inspire Magazine to see a round up of the fantastic achievements of our students during the summer term.
Wednesday 20 July 2022 End of Year Trips Primary pupils have been incredibly lucky this term to experience some fantastic trips including London, Urban Saints, Blackgang Chine, Dinosaur Isle, The Natural History Museum, Wimbledon and Marwell Zoo.
Monday 11 July 2022 Team GB Athlete Visit Students at The Bay CE School had their abilities stretched when they took part in a fun circuits challenge with Robert Mitchell, the current Welsh record holder in high jump at 2m and 25cm.
Friday 24 June 2022 Anti-bullying Ambassadors Earlier this term, Year 6 were joined by our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors (ABAs). They helped deliver a forum theatre workshop exploring the effects of bullying as well as the role of the bystander to a selection of students. This led to the creation of a selection of short drama performances which were then performed to the whole year group. Forum theatre allows the audience to step in and take the role of any actor in order to change the outcome and it was wonderful to see year 6 so eager to participate. Thank you also to our ambassadors who were fantastic teaching assistants for the day.
Thursday 26 May 2022 Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee We had a very exciting week in school taking part in Jubilee Celebrations.