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The Bay CE School

Celebrating Success

We love to celebrate student success at The Bay School, and we have a range of rewards:



House Points

Each child is allocated to a house upon joining our school. They can then earn house points for displaying good behaviours, positive attitudes to learning and homework. The winning house is announced each week in our celebration assembly.

Best of The Bay

Best of The Bay stamps are used to promote good learning behaviours.For every 25 stamps awarded, a child receives a certificate of achievement, which is presented in Celebration Assembly.

25 stars = a bronze certificate

50 stars = a silver certificate

75 stars = a gold certificate

125 stars = a platinum certificate

Headteacher Award

Over the course of the year, children may be recommended for a headteacher award if they have produced exceptional work or demonstrated outstanding effort or enthusiasm.  Pupils present their work to the Head of School and are awarded a prize and a certificate in the Celebration Assembly.


Year  7-9: Merits

A Merit can be awarded by any member of staff for:

  • A really good piece of classwork or homework
  • Excellent effort in class
  • Helpful actions around the school
  • Supporting at a school event
  • Any other positive behaviour which contributes to our school community and ethos

25 Merits = Year Manager Award

50 Merits = Senior Leader Award

75 Merits = Head Teacher Award

100 Merits = Executive Head Teacher Award


Year 10 & 11: Leadership Stars

A Leadership Star can be awarded by any member of staff for:

  • Demonstrating leadership skills in and around the school
  • Supporting at a school event
  • Any other positive behaviour which contributes to our school community and ethos

There are pages for Leadership Stars at the back of this planner.

A draw of all Leadership stars is made each term, and the recipient awarded an ipad.


Inter-House Participation Stars

You will receive a star for participating in an event representing your House.

3 stars = Bronze Award

5 stars = Silver Award

7 stars = Gold Award

10 stars = Platinum Award


Postcard home

Subject teachers and tutors can also send home a postcard to congratulate you on work, behaviour or contribution to our school for which you can be proud!


Subject Celebrations

Will your name and/or work appear on the celebration boards in subject areas? We hope so. Different subject areas also have their own ways of celebrating student success.


Attendance Celebration

Each term, the name of every student whose attendance over the previous period has been 100% is placed into a draw for the chance of enjoying a film and popcorn afternoon.


House Stars/ Awards

You can win House Stars, and termly awards at House Assemblies for excelling in our key school aims – to Believe, Inspire, Excel.


Celebration Assemblies

Your teachers and tutors will nominate successful and hard-working students to receive certificates and awards at end of term Celebration Assemblies.


Celebration of Excellence

At the end of each academic year, we invite the parents of the students who have excelled during the year to our Celebration of Excellence Event to see awards being given to those students from Years 7 up to Year 11 who have really worked hard and achieved highly over the year. 

Celebrating Success