Admissions (Primary)
We warmly welcome new children and their families to our school community. Parents/carers who are considering sending their child to The Bay CE School are very welcome to come and visit us. A mutually convenient time can be arranged for such a visit by contacting the school on 01983 403284.
The online school admissions round to enable you to apply for a primary school for September 2024 closed at midnight on Monday 15 January 2024.
National offer day for primary school places is 16th April 2024.
As The Bay CE School is an All Through School – Pupils in our year 6 are automatically allocated space in year 7.
All applications have to be sent to the Admissions Department at the Isle of Wight Council. The contact number is 01983 823455.
The Local Authority operates a timetable coordinated admissions procedure for all schools and academies in line with Government legislation.
The Local Authority will manage the process on behalf of the school according to the scheme, which they will publish in their Admissions Booklet for that year.
Also contained within the booklet will be information on how to complete their application form online, dates for notification to parents of admissions decisions and the closing dates for accepting places or lodging appeals. In case of any doubt on these dates, please contact the Local Authority of the school.
The Local Authority publishes the current admissions process, and this is where you will also find details of the Fair Access Protocol.
To visit the Isle of Wight Council school admissions webpage please click here
To read the School Admission Policy for please visit our Policy Page.