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The Bay CE School

PSHE Programme and Parental Consultation regarding RSE.


At the Bay CE School, we are committed to helping all our students grow up healthy, happy and safe, and to be able to navigate life in modern Britain. This underpins so much of what we do in school, and is embedded within our PSHE and Pastoral programme, as well as our House system.

The teaching of RSE and health education in secondary schools officially became compulsory from September 2020, although we had been teaching this already. We have the freedom to deliver the content within the context of our own school which gives us the ability to think carefully about each year group and what their needs are. For this reason, every year, we run a consultation, which includes gaining parental opinion, through a google form and inviting parents into school for an open meeting.

The consultation is now open for feedback - please click here to take part. If you wish to speak to someone from the secondary phase about the new RSE policy there is an opportunity to come and ask questions on Tuesday 19th March at 4.15pm. The current RSE Policy can be found here.