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The Bay CE School

Easter Celebrations

On Wednesday, Y1-Y6 classes visited St John’s Church for our Easter service led by Year 4. We were treated to beautiful singing, clear narration and a reminder of the meaning of Easter. Well done all!

On Thursday, children in Reception did wonderful a sing-a-long in the hall.

We are so proud of all of the entries into our Easter Bonnet and Easter Garden competition. They are creative, colourful and inspiring! We particularly loved the ones that represented our Christian Values of Love, Courage, Truth, Respect and Friendship. Rev Mark and Carolyn Corbett came into school with the difficult job of judging the competition. They took their time to look at every single entry and picked a first, second and third place for each year group. The winners were awarded their chocolate prize by Mrs Lawrence who was amazed at how creative their entries were.

On Friday we celebrated the amazing Easter Bonnets and Easter Gardens made by the children. The whole school took part in a parade in the hall. All classes had a visit from the Easter Bunny who gave out Easter eggs to the very excited children.

Easter 2023