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The Bay CE School

Academic Tutoring Day - 13th and 14th November

The first Academic Tutoring Day is being held on Wednesday 13th November between 3.30pm and 6.30pm and on Thursday 14th November between 9am and 3pm.

The purpose of the Academic Tutoring Day is to provide you with an opportunity to come into school and discuss face to face with your child’s tutor their progress and attitude to learning. It will also serve as an opportunity to review their personal targets and raise any questions you may have. The Academic Tutoring Days are in addition to virtual parents’ evenings as parents have indicated that they would appreciate more opportunities to discuss their child’s progress.

During the face to face appointment, your child is expected to attend with you in full school uniform so they are involved in the discussion about their progress.

On Thursday 14th November, students in Years 7 to 10 will be learning remotely and all work will be set through Google Classroom. Year 11 students will be attending school as normal, and will follow a bespoke timetable to continue their progress towards achieving their GCSEs. Year 11 students are still expected to attend their appointment with their tutor and parent/s.

Appointments can still be made before Wednesday 13th November, but no appointments will be able to be made on Wednesday 13th or Thursday 14th November. Tutors have checked with their tutees to make sure that they can access Google Classroom from home. Further instructions on how to access Google Classroom and RM Unify are as follows:

Tutorials and information about how to log in to Google Classroom from home can be found on the school website. Follow the path way below:




Scroll down until you see the following links:

Click here to view tutorial videos for parent/student login, Google Classroom & home learning video.

Please click here to access the RM Unify login page for students. Please remember to use your school email account (using a personal email account will result in denied access)

Click here to read a copy of the letter sent home on 2nd October.