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The Bay CE School


Maths at The Bay


At the Bay, we believe that every child should have the opportunity to experience the wonder of maths. The language of maths is international and we encourage children to appreciate that maths is used in the wider world and how they can apply their mathematical understanding and knowledge to their everyday lives. Our curriculum aims to encourage all children to think mathematically, which enables them to reason, problem solve and assess risk in a variety of situations. We aim to enable children to understand a mathematical concept, idea or technique by: describing it in their own words; representing it in a variety of ways; explaining it to someone else; understanding how it fits into the wider world; recognising and making use of it in new situations and contexts including cross-curricular. As children progress through the school, our curriculum inspires them to become life long-learners; to be inquisitive; to question and follow lines of enquiry; to think critically and solve problems; to challenge their own thinking and that of others; to collaborate with their peers and finally, to become capable and passionate mathematicians. 

What do we want our children to do? 

To understand a mathematical concept, idea or technique by:

  • Describing it in his or her own words;
  • Representing it in a variety of ways (e.g. using concrete materials, pictures and symbols – the CPA approach)
  • Explaining it to someone else
  • Making up his or her own examples (and non- examples) of it
  • Seeing connections between it and other facts or ideas
  • Recognising it in new situations and contexts;
  • Making use of it in various ways, including in new situations.

What do we want our children to be able to do?

  • Collaborate
  • Read the question
  • Think critically
  • Reason
  • Follow lines of enquiry.
  • Solve problems
  • Challenge their own and others thinking.
  • Be inquisitive
  • Be life-long learners.
  • Become Mathematicians


At the Bay, we follow the National Curriculum for Mathematics, which aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
  • reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
  • can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

We plan our main maths lessons following the White Rose Maths scheme of learning. White Rose Maths progressively builds on the skills outlined in the National Curriculum. Children are given opportunities to explore mathematical concepts through pictorial, practical and written methods in order to develop a deep understanding, confidence and competence in Maths and improve fluency. Fluency in maths is about developing number sense and being able to choose and use the most appropriate method for the task at hand and be able to apply a skill to multiple contexts. White Rose Maths uses the CPA (Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract) approach, which is a highly effective approach to teaching that develops a deep and sustainable understanding of maths in pupils. Children are given opportunities to problem solve and deepen their understanding of the concepts taught. Assessments are made at the start and end of a unit as well as formatively throughout. Children are encouraged to use maths throughout the day, and across the curriculum, and meaningful links are established and built upon.

In addition to our main maths lessons, each year group has an arithmetic session. In Key Stage 1, arithmetic consists of implementing the Number Sense facts fluency programme. Through this we strive to teach the children a defined set of addition and subtraction facts and a defined set of calculation strategies. This enables them to develop key visual pathways and learn important number relationships. Leading to a deep understanding of number and number relationships, as well as fluency in addition and subtraction facts. In Key Stage 2, arithmetic sessions consist of a tailored approach to revisiting prior learning; this ensures that children are exposed to the areas they need support with. Children also practise fluency and times tables within this session. Children are encouraged to use the skills they embed in arithmetic sessions across their wider maths learning.



Using a quality scheme ensures consistency across the school. The content builds from year group to year group, however, there is consistency in the language, style and resources used. Children have a range of vocabulary, skills and methods to draw upon as part of their problem solving ability. Children express their enjoyment at being able to complete tasks and deepen their understanding of concepts. The level of pitch and challenge is constantly assessed to ensure that all children are appropriately challenged at all times. Children have the opportunity to make links between maths and the wider world, they know how and why maths is used in a variety of contexts. Children have the flexibility and fluidity to move between different contexts and representations in maths. They take pride in their presentation and understanding of the work and are encouraged to make connections between the relationships and patterns seen, and think about known facts and what they notice.

Children are assessed constantly through the unit. Teachers are responsive to assessments and extra challenge or additional time is planned accordingly. Children are assessed through using the KPIs on SIMS, and planning is adjusted accordingly to ensure any misconceptions are addressed.

At The Bay, we aim for our children to leave us as competent, confident mathematicians who have a love for mathematics and recognise the importance of it today and in their futures lives.


Useful Websites and Links to help your child with Maths

KS1 Bitesize Maths

KS2 Bitesize Maths

Purple Mash

Maths Shed

Family learning fun

Primary games


Maths Guidance Information


Maths Curriculum Overview

While Rose Calculation Policy

Maths Vocabulary

DfE Maths Guidance

Parents Guide to Maths Questions


Understanding how to use concrete resources

Bus stop method explained using Place Value Counters

Column Addition with Straws

Equivalent Fractions to a half

Fractions of amounts using a bar model

Adding Fractions with the same denominator



February 2023

On Thursday two teams from Year 4 and two teams from Year 5 had the exciting opportunity to participate against other schools in a Maths Challenge at Ryde School. They worked in teams of two and had to solve some very challenging puzzles against the clock, including tangrams, dominoes, dice, broken calculators and many more! All eight competitors showed fantastic team work, perseverance and tried their best. Max and Jack in Year 5 did exceptionally well and finished in joint 2nd place! Well done to everyone who competed!  


February 2023

We celebrated NSPCC Number Day on Friday 3rd February. In Maths lessons, children were given the opportunity to explore 'maths in the real World'.

Reception classes made their own playdoh, learning how to measure and count. 

Children in Years 1, 2 were given the task of planning and budgeting for a party looking at how many of each item they need and how much it will cost? They got into the party spirit wearing hats and listening to music. 

Years 3 and 4 planned a residential trip. They worked out which activities they could fit into their trip, how long each one would take and how much it would cost. 

Years 5 and 6 had the exciting task of planning a new bedroom, they had a copy of an IKEA catalogue and had to design their room, sticking to budget, and fitting in the room dimensions. 

Miss Jackson, Maths Lead said

“Number day is a great way to make Maths fun and bring it into the ‘real world.’  It was wonderful to see all of the children across the school enjoying their tasks whilst learning at the same time. Maths is such a vital skill; at The Bay CE School we really focus on making it enjoyable and fun to keep children engaged.”


Children in Year 2 said

“We loved planning a party, we got to choose the items that we wanted. I had a bouncy castle!”

“We had to work out how much it would be, that ‘p’ means it’s pence and not pounds!”


Children in Year 4 said

“I really enjoyed trying to fit the activities into the day and doing the calculation.”

“I liked that we got to work as a team and choose the activities that we both wanted to do. I did get muddled with working out the money but we persevered!”

“I found it really fun to look at all the different activities, it gave me some really good ideas for what I can do in half term.”


Number Day