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The Bay CE School

Family Liaison Officer (FLO)

Hello, my name is Lynne James and I am the Family Liaison Officer (FLO) here at The Bay CE School. My role is to provide support to parents/carers with any issues or concerns you may have, either at home or in school. I can also signpost to other agencies for additional support if needed.

I can give advice, parenting support and practical strategies to help with positive behaviour, rules and routines, school attendance, friendship concerns or just provide a listening ear for parents and families.

You can come and have an informal chat with me in the mornings or alternatively you can contact me via the school office or email me at ljames@bayceschool.org


What support is available to parents and families?

 Early HeIp and Supporting Families Information    

Parent Information Leaflets

Useful Web Links 


Community Support for offenders families 

Cahms Resources 


Disability Living Allowance

Domestic Violence 


Family Information Hub

Food Bank 

Home Start

Local Offer

Online Safety 

Parenting Courses



Separated Familes 

Young Carers

Young Minds

Youth Trust